Alliant Educational Foundation's Sponsored Scholarships Program

Alliant Educational Foundation manages a wide variety of scholarship opportunities for students at Alliant International University and other institutions of higher education. The foundation also hosts a general fund that assists us with the expenses related to our daily operations as we support our public service mission. Please consider making a gift or donation to one of our funds to support education, learning and student success.

Alliant International University was founded in 2001 through the combination of United States International University (USIU) and Alliant University/California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP). San Francisco Law School (SFLS) joined Alliant in 2010.


CSPP was one of the first, and is still the largest, school of professional psychology in the United States. Its founding marked the emergence of clinical psychology as a professional practice oriented discipline, taking its place alongside research psychology as it was taught in California’s major universities. Since CSPP’s founding in 1969, practitioners of clinical psychology, a large number of them CSPP graduates, have driven a growing awareness that behavioral science comprises a vital part of the national health care agenda.

Jei Africa Dissertation Award for Filipino American Studies

Created by CSPP SF alumnus Dr. Jei Africa, this Award is for students conducting research related to Filipino American studies.

Herbert Baker Memorial Scholarship (Organizational Psychology)

CSPP is proud to honor the memory of Dr. Herbert Baker, a dedicated Professor, Program Director, and student mentor who always cultivated one’s inherent potential to succeed.  This scholarship is awarded annually to an Organizational Psychology student.

Dr. Jeffrey W. Braunstein Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a Fresno Clinical PhD student who has been advanced to doctoral candidacy, are not yet in an internship, show academic excellence and show a deep commitment to research and to clinical practice. Preference given to students from the East Coast (Dr. Braunstein originally came to Fresno from New York State)

Stephanie Byers-Bell Scholarship

Awarded to a CSPP-Los Angeles campus doctoral student of color (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander) completing their dissertation with a focus on racial and/or gender equality.

Callan Smith Meltzoff Scholarship

The Callan-Smith-Meltzoff Scholarship is awarded to a CSPP-San Diego student who demonstrates exemplary performance in her/his scholarly pursuits and adherence to Alliant International University’s pillars as related to its Mission.

Andrew Curry Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a CSPP-San Francisco Clinical Psychology student who is committed to serving the African-American community.

DJ Forest Scholarship

The DJ Forest Scholarship is awarded to a Los Angeles CSPP PhD or PsyD student of color involved in student government/student leadership and the LGBT community.

Ann Hozier Scholarship

Awarded annually to a student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program who has advanced to doctoral candidacy, to supplement the cost of dissertation research, tests, equipment or other specialized materials.

Elaine B. King Memorial Scholarship

Awarded annually to a CSPP student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program who is active in the Multicultural Community Clinical Psychology emphasis area and/or engaged in service to a minority community.

Arthur Kovacs Academic Merit Scholarship

Awarded annually to an Alliant student at the Los Angeles campus on the basis of academic merit as demonstrated by a scholarly paper.

Estelle and Irving Kreindel Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Estelle and Irving Kreindel Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 by CSPP alumna Dr. Paulette Penton (CSPP-LA, Clinical Psychology, class of 1980) in memory of her parents, who were a significant source of support and encouragement during her graduate school experience. This scholarship supports CSPP-Los Angeles campus students who are in the dissertation or project design phase in their degree program. Priority is given to research in attachment, separation and/or loss.

F. Joseph McGuigan Research Award

Awarded annually to a San Diego CSPP doctoral student whose research addresses socially-important issues, which preferably will include a multicultural, multinational focus.

Ferne Miller Memorial Research Fund

Initially awarded annually to a CSPP doctoral student conducting research in the area of psychosocial oncology, including projects that study how psychological and environmental factors may affect the etiology, disease course and adaptation to cancer and other terminal diseases; the Miller Family have decided to broaden the focus to support dissertations across the spectrum of clinical psychology.

Lucille Phillips Morrison Scholarship

Awarded annually to a CSPP student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program. Must have advanced to doctoral candidacy.

Connell Persico Scholarship for Significant Contributions to the LGBT Community

Awarded annually to a CSPP student displaying significant contributions to the LGBT community.

Patricia Frazier Reis Memorial Scholarship

Awarded annually to a CSPP student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program.

Allan Harry Rhoads Scholarship

Awarded annually to a CSPP student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program who has advanced to doctoral candidacy displaying commitment to the LGBT community.

Richard A. Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship

Awarded annually to an Alliant doctoral student displaying significant contributions to LGBT Latino/a psychology.

Jim Stophel Scholarship

Awarded annually to an Alliant student at the Los Angeles campus based on submission of creative work (creative writing, visual arts, etc.).

Paul Werner Dissertation Award Honoring Innovation and Creativity

The Paul Werner Dissertation Award Honoring Innovation and Creativity, established in 2013 in honor of Professor Emeritus Dr. Paul Werner, is given at graduation to recognize the clinical Ph.D. dissertation of Alliant’s San Francisco campus that best exemplifies the emphasis on innovative and creative research that Dr. Werner fostered in his work with dissertation students.

Tak Yoshino Scholarship

Awarded annually to a CSPP student in the Los Angeles Clinical Psychology PhD or PsyD program who demonstrates financial need and is interested in providing psychological services to the Asian American community.

All Schools of Study

  • Judith E. N. Albino PhD Scholarship

Program/Location Specific

  • Cannon Scholarship (San Diego)
  • California School of Education General Scholarship Fund (CSOE Programs)
  • California School of Management and Leadership General Scholarship Fund (CSML Programs)
  • California School of Professional Psychology General Scholarship Fund (CSPP Programs)
  • Dow Scholarship (CSML Programs)
  • Elizabeth Fetter Scholarship (Leadership and Management Programs)
  • Estela Matriano Scholarship (CSOE CTEL)
  • San Francisco Law School General Scholarship Fund (Law School)

San Francisco Law School (SFLS) has been a model of non-discrimination, diversity and opportunity where students strive to better their own lives and that of their families.

Law School

  • ABCL Nathan Cohn Memorial Scholarship
  • Blum Scholarship
  • Crown Scholarship
  • Falconer Scholarship
  • Ladar Scholarship
  • Shapiro Scholarship

Learn more about these and all of the Alliant Educational Foundation scholarships by clicking here.

Alliant Educational Foundation