September 2021: Brief News & Notes

Student Scholarships Make a Big Difference this Fall

In late August, the Alliant Educational Foundation released a special e-newsletter sharing many of the details about this year’s round of scholarship funding to hundreds of well-deserving Alliant students.  From new matching funds to targeted scholarships for underserved students from diverse backgrounds, the generosity of our donors makes much of this possible.  Please check out the full update if you missed it last month!


AEF’s New “Salon” Sessions Are Coming Soon!

We’ve learned much during the adaptation to Zoom meetings required by COVID over the past year and a half.  One of the positives is how online interaction can break down geographic barriers between one another.  As such, we’re launching our new “salon” series this month to bring together alumni, donors, and other friends of the foundation to learn about timely issues of mutual interest.

The inaugural session takes place later this month and will include an interactive discussion between Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky of UC-Riverside and Dr. Connell Persico, long-time board member with the Foundation and former administrator with Alliant.  While this first session is not open to the general public, here’s a recent article from the NY Times that shares a bit more about Dr. Lyubomirsky’s work and perspective.


Mental Health Consortium

Working closely with Alliant’s California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP), the foundation continues to build new bridges in support of children’s mental health.  To date, we’ve identified ten San Diego-based non-profit organizations who work with underserved infants, children, and young adults.

By placing CSPP clinical psychology graduate students at some of these agencies, we’re bolstering the ability of these agencies to provide high-quality mental health support to some of the populations who most desperately need it.  The foundation is paying for clinical supervision by licensed psychologists to enable this new program to flourish.  Additionally, this Fall we’ll launch new quarterly “grand rounds” where participating students, supervisors, and agency staff will share and learn from one another about confidential cases and timely training needs.


Innovation / Seed Grants – Year Three

After two successful years of investing in new and promising programs, research, and training across the Alliant system, the Foundation will launch a re-tooled third year of innovation/seed grants available to all faculty and staff at Alliant. The redesigned funding program will encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-campus collaboration, a focus on the Foundation’s new vision, mission, and core values, along with a greater emphasis on student impact.  We anticipate opening up the new funding round by late 2021, so stay tuned!


FYI – A New RFP for Unsolicited Proposals to the Foundation

We’ve learned much during the adaptation to Zoom meetings required by COVID over the past year.  One of the positives is how online interaction can break down geographic barriers between one another.  As such, we plan to launch a new digital “salon” series this August to bring together alumni, donors, and other friends of the foundation to learn about timely issues of mutual interest.  The inaugural session is being developed and is tentatively titled “Post-COVID World: Creative Resilience” which will be part of a new quarterly series.  Stay tuned for more information coming soon…